Pralognan La Vanoise

Taxi Pralognan la VanoiseAll Mountains Taxi to Pralognan La Vanoise

Pralognan-la-Vanoise is a beautiful village..
The center of the village, situated in approximately 1 400 meters in height.
The station offers ski slopes family and varied by 35 km of tracks

Moutiers -> Pralognan la Vanoise: 38km – 50min

—Price Pralognan La Vanoise


1 Pax. 2 à 4 pax. 5 pax. 6 pax. 7 pax.
Pralognan La Vanoise
260€ 280€ 300€ 310€ 320€
 Grenoble – Lyon 1 Pax.  2 à 4 pax.  5 pax.  6 pax.  7 pax.
 Pralognan La Vanoise
360€  380€  400€  420€  430€
Départ de Genève 1 Pax. 2 à 4 pax. 5 pax. 6 pax. 7 pax.
Pralognan La Vanoise
290€ 310€ 330€ 350€ 370€
1 Pax. 2 à 4 pax. 5 pax. 6 pax. 7 pax.
Pralognan La Vanoise
580€ 600€ 610€ 620€ 630€

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